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Blackjack Strategy and Game Guide

Blackjack Strategy

Blackjack is the most popular casino card game in Britain and it’s not difficult to understand why. The game not only features a low house edge, but there are elements of skill involved. That means success can be in your hands when you play blackjack. Fortunately, the skills and strategies you need to win at blackjack aren’t particularly difficult to master. Whether you prefer playing live in London, at home on your computer, or using a smartphone, it’s worth expending the minimal effort it takes to thoroughly grasp the game. Continue reading this guide and you’ll quickly learn how to make the most of every hand.

Getting to Know Basic Strategy

Blackjack Strategy

Even though blackjack features elements of skill, you won’t have to rely on your sixth sense to succeed. To triumph, all you need to do is maximize your odds in any given situation, which is exactly where basic blackjack strategy comes into play. Basic blackjack strategy makes use of all the available information to reveal the correct move to make in any situation. While you obviously won’t win every hand, you can reduce the house edge to 0.5% in many variations of the game. Compare that to a house edge of 3% for so-called skilled players who master the rules but rely on their instincts instead.

When you play blackjack, you need to use all of the available information to your advantage. After receiving your cards, you’ll know the value of your starting hand and the dealer’s card. While the dealer’s second card is a mystery, you already have enough data to know which way the metaphorical wind is blowing. For example, even if you’re playing blackjack for the first time, it’s rather obvious that you’ll want to stand if the dealer is showing a 5 and you have a king and queen since the only way the dealer can beat you is by landing 21 after hitting. Yet what would you do if you had an ace and seven? That depends entirely on what the dealer’s card is.

Luckily, there’s no guess work involved when deciding what move to make at the table. Instead just refer to a strategy chart like the one above. Simply find your hand and the dealer’s up card on the chart. Just follow the row and column where both variables intersect and you’ll immediately know what to do. In the example above, you’ll see that the correct move is to hit if the dealer has a ten, but you would want to stand if the dealer has an 8. Yet no matter what cards are on the table, you’ll always know whether it’s best to hit, stand, double down, or split.

Using The Correct Strategy Chart

Did you know there’s more than one type of blackjack? You’ll find different house rules at casinos in London, Las Vegas, and Atlantic City. When you play online, you can choose your favourite variety, but there’s an optimal strategy for every type. Fortunately, there are individual strategy charts for every variation of blackjack. You’ll need to use the correct version that factors in the number of decks, when the dealer is required to stand, and other rules dealing with surrendering, doubling, and peeking for blackjack.

Whether you are playing blackjack for the first time or have enjoyed the game for decades, it’s worth taking advantage of all the leg work done by gambling experts and statisticians.

Managing Your Blackjack Bankroll

Now that you know how to bet, it’s worth exploring how much you should wager. That really depends on your budget and how comfortable you are playing the game. If you are new to blackjack strategy, you’ll likely find lower table minimums on the internet. Yet at the same time, it’s much easier for new players to succeed online since you can play at your own pace and refer to your notes every hand.

Still, given the low house edge when playing properly, you can bet a larger proportion of your bankroll per hand than if you were playing roulette. Be that as it may, it’s essential that choose table limits and bets you can afford. While some experts suggest you can bet 5% of your bankroll per hand that can be a little dangerous. If you run into a few short losing streaks it could be game over. Instead, choose stakes that are equal to 2% of your bankroll, which will let you enjoy 50 hands even if you lose them all. Of course, that’s unlikely with sound bankroll management. No matter how much or little you wager, you will want to follow the strategy chart we discussed earlier.

Counting Cards When Playing Blackjack

Blackjack Strategy

Most people have heard of card counting, but that doesn’t mean they know what it entails. Although you can refer to our dedicated guide to counting cards, we’ll give you the basics here. Essentially, card counting is a system that lets you gauge the relative quality or favourability of the cards that are still in the deck. To count cards, you’ll need to assign values to the cards you see and keep a running total of those values. When you use this technique, you’ll know whether the house edge is better or worse than average and you can raise or lower your bets accordingly.

Remember that card counting works in conjunction with bankroll management techniques and basic strategy. You should also know that it is technically impossible to count cards when playing on the internet.

Blackjack Strategy Tips

  • Make sure you understand the house rules before placing your bet.
  • Follow a strategy chart religiously to reduce the house edge.
  • Take advantage of free games while you learn the ins and outs of blackjack strategy
  • Manage your bankroll effectively so that you can ride out any cold streaks you might encounter.
  • When using card counting techniques you’ll need to be as inconspicuous as possible.
  • Don’t bother counting cards on the internet since the deck is shuffled with each hand.

Frequently Asked Questions About Blackjack

What is blackjack?

Blackjack is a popular comparing casino card game that often goes by the name twenty-one. Unlike poker, players compete directly against the dealer when playing blackjack. The object of the game is land a hand that’s as close to 21 as possible without going over while simultaneously beating the dealer’s hand.

How does blackjack work?

After placing your blackjack bet, you’ll receive two face up cards, while the dealer will receive one face up card and one face down card. The goal of blackjack is to beat the dealer’s hand by accumulating a higher total of points than the dealer without exceeding 21. To calculate your point total just add up the numerical values of your cards. Jacks, queens, and kings are worth 10 points, while aces are valued at either 11 or 1.

It is possible to win immediately if your hand adds up to 21, which is known as blackjack, and the dealer doesn’t also have blackjack. If you don’t have blackjack, you’ll be able to stand, hit by receiving one or more cards from the deck at a time. If you exceed 21, you’ll automatically lose. Depending on the house rules, you may be able to split your hand into two, surrender, or double down by increasing your bet and standing. If the dealer has an ace, you can also purchase insurance.

If you haven’t already reached 21 or busted at this point, the dealer will play his hand by hitting or standing according to the house rules. For example, the dealer may be required to keep drawing cards until he has a minimum of 17 and stand on totals of 17 or greater. Once the dealer is done playing his hand. You’ll be paid if you beat the dealer.

How does blackjack payout?

Although there are house variations with different payouts, you’ll generally get paid 3 to 2 if you land blackjack, which means your first two cards add up to 21, and the dealer doesn’t also have blackjack. If you beat the dealer without exceeding 21 or the dealer busts and you don’t, you’ll be paid 1 to 1. In the event of a tie, you’ll get your money back.

How do you win at blackjack?

The easiest way to win at blackjack is by using basic strategy, which reduces the house edge to 0.5%. You can make use of a strategy chart, which will tell you whether to hit, stand, split, or double down depending on your hand and the dealer’s visible card. If you play on the internet, it’s easy to refer to strategy charts and other resources as you play.

How does a blackjack table work?

Blackjack tables typically feature between five and seven betting areas. To play, just place your chips in one of the betting areas. You can play several hands at the same time by placing chips in multiple betting areas. Keep in mind that you will be competing directly against the dealer’s hand when playing blackjack, even if there are several players seated at your table. You can typically find the payouts and house rules written on top of the felt or on an adjacent placard.
